To place a straight line equal to a given straight line with one end at a given point.[br][br]Use the scroll bar to unfold Euclid's construction.
In your own words, what is Euclid's Proposition 2?
What is the first step of the proof?
What is the second step of the proof?
In Steps 3 - 5, Euclid creates another circle. What do you know about the relationship between BE and BC?
In Steps 6 and 7, Euclid constructs a point, F. Why is DF = DE?
We know DF = DE, and DA+AF = DB+BE. Why is DA = DB?
We know DF = DE, DA + AF = DB + BE, and DA = DB. Explain how this tells you that AF = BE.
In "Steps 3- 5" you concluded that BE = BC. [br]In the previous question, you concluded that AF = BE. [br]What property allows you to conclude that AF = BC?
Why is AF the segment that Euclid was trying to construct in Proposition 2.