Creating an input box

You can change the function of f(x) and g(x) by typing right in the boxes instead of using the algebra window. [br]This can be helpful if you want to have a simple design that you can give students. [br][br]Try changing f(x) and g(x) to other functions!
Creating an input box
1. Create a function on the input bar "f(x) = x" (this function doesn't matter because we are going to change it) [br]2. Click on the TOOLS button on the left [br]3. Scroll down to where it says more tools (at the bottom) [br]4. Click on the "input box" tool[br]5. Under [b]Caption[/b] type in "f(x) = "[br]6. Under [b]Linked Object[/b] click "f" from the drop-down menu.

Information: Creating an input box