Translations Intro #1

Move the vector to locate the coordinates of the vertices of the new triangle. Plot those points and draw the new triangle.

Rotations Intro #1

Rotate △ABC 90° at a time counterclockwise around point A.

"A-Mazing" Translation and Rotation Practice 1

Move the car through the maze! There is workspace for any vectors you may need to create. You may also need to plot points for rotation.
If you are working in the downloaded version of GeoGebra (the Java version), you can see your steps. Right click on the grid and check Navigation Bar. Play back your steps and watch the car go through the maze! Click on View and check Construction Protocol; this shows your steps. [br][br]Take a screenshot of the whole page for your teacher.

Reflections Introduction

Reflect the polygon over both axes to create an image in each of the four quadrants.

Dilation Introduction: Transformers!

Explore this applet to see how the center of dilation and the scale factor affect the image.
Turn off the images and explore the way the lines change. What do you notice?

Moo-ving Cows

In as few moves as possible, moo-ve the cow into place. You must use the transformation tools!

Uppercase A

Animated Twitter Bird

Can you figure out which transformations are being used in this sketch?
