Fraction Multiplication

We can read the expression [math]\frac{2}{3}\times\frac{3}{5}[/math] as two-thirds of three-fifths.[br][br]See a square area model for the multiplication of 2 common fractions, and use interactive tools (check boxes and sliders) to explore this model with different fractions.
The video below provides an overview and a demonstration of the features of this app.
[br][url=]A similar page with this app but [i]without[/i] the video is available at:[/url][br][br]Adapted from the [url=]Multiplying Fractions[/url] resource by Edward Knote. Adapted by [url=]Regional Educational Laboratory Midwest[/url] for use with the Teaching Fractions Toolkit, which is based on the IES Practice Guide [url=][i]Developing Effective Fractions Instruction for Kindergarten Through 8th Grade[/i][/url].[br][br][]Contact us[/url] if this resource should be updated, or with questions or suggestions. We appreciate your help maintaining the quality of this resource.[br]

Information: Fraction Multiplication