Create a Cylinder with Given Lateral Area

[size=150]Creation of this resource was inspired by [url=]this Open Middle problem[/url] from Jason Miller. [br][br]Shown below is a [color=#bf9000][b]cylinder[/b][/color].[br]For simplicity, let's use positive integers 1-9 to serve as possible [b]radius[/b] and [b]height[/b] values for this cylinder.[br][br]Given this, create a cylinder whose lateral area is given. [br]Use the [b]r[/b] and [b]h [/b]sliders to alter the radius and height (respectively). [br]The number of possible outcomes (due to our use of only single digit positive integers for [b]r[/b] and [b]h[/b]) is also shown. [/size]

Information: Create a Cylinder with Given Lateral Area