This activity is also part of one or more other Books. Modifications will be visible in all these Books. Do you want to modify the original activity or create your own copy for this Book instead?
This activity was created by '{$1}'. Do you want to modify the original activity or create your own copy instead?
This activity was created by '{$1}' and you lack the permission to edit it. Do you want to create your own copy instead and add it to the book?
Prezenta lucrare este un rezumat al materialelor prezentate in cadrul "Cercului metodico-stiintific" al profesorilor de matematica din Focsani, ce a avut loc vineri 12 Aprilie 2019 la Colegiul Tehnic "Ion Mincu"
Modalitatille de certificare a unor competente GeoGebra erau vazute in anul 2010 intr-o forma ce urmarea si dezvoltarea softului dar si capacitatea unor utilizatori si mai ales dorinta de a utiliza cu succes GeoGebra in activitati matematice.