3D_Problems Interactive.

Solve 3 Different Questions :
Instructions : [br]Left part of the screen has Questions related to [color=#ff0000][b]3D shapes[/b][/color] where you need to use [color=#0000ff]Pythagoras Theorem [/color]and [color=#0000ff]Trigonometry [/color].[br]Use Sliders to change to set up the dimensions. [br][br]Note: Click on button check to verify your answers and then Click NEXT. [br]For 3D View: Tap any where on 3d window and then select [color=#ff0000][b]3D[/b][/color] [url=https://wiki.geogebra.org/uploads/0/0d/Mode_rotateview_32.gif][img width=32,height=32]https://wiki.geogebra.org/uploads/0/0d/Mode_rotateview_32.gif[/img][/url] to rotate the view. [br][br]

Information: 3D_Problems Interactive.