Number Link: A Daily Number Puzzle Game

The objective of the game is to select three integers whose sum is equal to zero.
Visualizing a Sequence
Analyze the sequence below:
Describe how you see the sequence growing?
Enumerate the sequence.
Is the sequence arithmetic, geometric, or neither? Explain.
Determine the 4th term.
Discover a recursive formula for this sequence.
Discover an explicit formula for this sequence.
Apply the explicit formula to determine the 9th term.
Different ways of visualizing the sequence:
Morphing Parallelograms (Exploring Properties of Different Parallelograms)
[size=100][size=85][size=200][color=#980000]Euclidean Golf (Rigid Motions)[br][/color][/size][color=#999999][i]A low-floor high-ceiling activity, designed to facilitate classroom discussions.[br][br][/i][/color][color=#980000]Aligned with NYS Next Generation Learning Standard GEO-G.CO.2:[br][/color][color=#999999][i]Represent transformations as geometric functions that take points in the plane as inputs and give points as outputs.[br][/i][/color][/size][/size][br][size=85][color=#980000]Learning Objectives[size=100]:[/size][/color][/size][size=85][color=#999999] [br] 1. Students will explore multiple solutions for each task.[br] 2. Students will discover a set of rules (expressed as functions) for performing different rigid motions.[br][br][/color][size=200][color=#980000]How to Play[br][/color][/size][/size][size=85][color=#999999]The goal is to hit the golf ball into the hole by performing the least number of strokes (rigid motions) possible.[br][br]The game display consists of two views: the action-view (left) and the control panel (right). The control panel allows the user to select and perform different rigid motions and the action-view displays the golf ball undergoing the selected rigid motion.[br][/color][/size][size=200][size=150][color=#980000]Score Card[br][/color][/size][/size][size=85][color=#999999]Above the control panel is the score card. The score card displays the current hole, the hole's par, and the score (the number of strokes performed) on the current hole.[br][/color][size=200][size=150][color=#980000]The Control Panel[br][/color][/size][/size][color=#999999]Inside the control panel are three tabs: translate, rotate, and reflect. Click on a tab to select the indicated rigid motion. The selected rigid motion is denoted by the white background and maroon text. To specify the select rigid motion, interact with the sliders and toggle switches. At the bottom of the control panel is the expression for the indicated rigid motion. Click the [i]Swing[/i] button to perform the rigid motion. Note, each hole has a max of 5 strokes.[br][/color][size=200][size=150][color=#980000]Action-View[br][/color][/size][/size][color=#999999]To refresh the action-view click the cyclic arrows in the top right.[/color][/size]
Practice below:
How To Play
Experimental Probability (Bar Graphs and Dot Plots)
An Application of Displacement Vectors to Football Passing Routes
Field View
Whiteboard View
GeoGebra Authors
[list][*][url=https://www.geogebra.org/u/stevencsilvestri]Steven C. Silvestri[/url][/*][*][url=https://www.geogebra.org/u/tbrzezinski]Tim Brzezinksi[/url][br][/*][*][url=https://www.geogebra.org/u/stevephelps]Steve Phelps[/url][/*][/list]