Parabola given by two points and their tangents

[b]A parabola is given by two points and the tangents passing through them. construct additional points with tangents.[/b][br][br]1. Points P and Q are given, as well as tangents tangents t[sub]P[/sub] and t[sub]Q[/sub].[br]2. Connect P to Q.[br]3. Find the midpoint (construction not depicted).[br]4. Connect the midpoint to the intersection point of the tangents. This line is parallel to the axis of the parabola.[br]5. The midpoint of this segment is point R, a point of the parabola.[br]6. The tangent is parallel to segment PQ.[br]7-16. Repeat the previous construction with the help of the new point and tangent. Note: the yellow lines are all parallel to each other and the axis of the parabola (the axis is not constructed.[br]17. Repeat the process as much as necessary to get an accurate curve.[br]18. The axis of the parabola without the depiction of its construction just to show its parallelism to the yellow lines.

Information: Parabola given by two points and their tangents