एकरुप रेषा खंड

[color=#000000]The following applet illustrates what it means for segments to be classified as [b]congruent segments.  [br][br][/b]Interact with the applet below for a few minutes.  Be sure to move the locations of the black points around each time [i]before[/i] you drag the slider!  [br][br]Then answer the questions that follow.  [/color]
आपन काय पाहिले
[color=#000000][b]Questions:  [/b][br][br]1) What transformations have we learned about thus far?  List them.[br][br]2) What transformations did you observe here while interacting with this applet above?  [br][br]3) How would you describe what it means for segments to be classified as [b]congruent [br]    segments [/b]with respect to any one (or more) of the transformations you observed here [br]    in this applet?  Explain.  [/color]

Information: एकरुप रेषा खंड