Translation in 2 directions

translation by combination of vectors
An object can be translated with various combinations of given vectors. For example, the following shape (poly1) is translated by the vector u+2v. The command is:[br][br]Translate[poly1, u+2v][br][br]This means that poly1 is moved by the vector u, and then further moved by the vector 2v. Change vector u or v to see how the movement is affected.
figure 13
translate repeatedly in the same direction
We create a list of objects by translating ploy1 using different multiples of vector u (from -3u to 3u). [br][br]The command is:[br][br]list1=Sequence[Translate[poly1, m*u], m, -3, 3][br][br]The result is a set of 7 copies called list1. This list1 can then be transformed in another way as a single object.
figure 14
moving in another direction
The list1 created in previous example can be moved in another direction by the vector v. The slider k is used to illustrate how this result may change by using different multiples of vector v.[br][br]The new list is created by the command:[br][br]Translate[list1, k*v]
figure 15
array of objects
An array of objects can be made by generating another list, which contains multiple translations of previous object 'list1'. The command is:[br][br]Sequence[Translate[list1, n*v], n, -3, 3]
figure 16

Download Wallpaper Files

This section contains examples for 17 wallpaper symmetry patterns. [br][br]Some applets may run very slowly. The GeoGebra files can be downloaded with this link:[br][br][url][/url][br][br]More information about these patterns can be found on the web, such as [br][br][url][/url]

Rotating Squares Tiling

This group of squares around a parallelogram can be extended to fill the plane.
A pentagon tiling can be generated from this pattern of squares.
