Imagining the roots of a quadratic equation

The roots of a quadratic equation can be found symmetrically either side of the vertical line through the vertex. For a quadratic equation with complex roots this can be found by examining a parabola of the form y=–x² with the same vertex as the original curve.

Adding complex numbers

The complex numbers w and z can be moved by dragging.[br]Use the checkboxes to see the sum and difference of w and z.

Modulus and argument

Move the point to explore the modulus and argument of a complex number.[br]How do you calculate the argument when the complex number is in each quadrant?

Multiplying and dividing complex numbers

Move the points to explore what happens when you multiply or divide two complex numbers given in modulus-argument form.[br]What is happening geometrically?

Loci 1

Move the blue point so that it satisfies the equation shown in green. Find as many positions as you can that satisfy the equation.[br]Use the checkbox to see the set of points that satisfy the equation. How can you describe this set of points?[br]You can move the point [i]a[/i] and change the value of [i]r[/i].
