Polygon formed from 2 rectangles

classroom snapshot, 22Feb2023 (team-teach with 智仁)
sample worksheets, lkkb22Feb2023
discussions on worksheet design
How to provide effective guidance for our students?
second trial on 03Mar2023 (team-teach with 喬欣)
sample worksheet, stts依靈03Mar2023
sample worksheet, stts岷澄03Mar2023
alternate approaches
1. What are your opinions?[br]2. What happens when we apply these methods to question 5 and question 9?
a discussion on question 11
Optical Illusion[br]https://www.ggbm.at/cfhbyudd[br]Math is Fun[br]https://www.mathsisfun.com/right_angle_triangle.html
Pythagoras' Theorem[br]https://www.ggbm.at/adgkwqyn
revised worksheet
former trial teaching
1. 香港嘉諾撒學校[br] https://www.ggbm.at/FeAxv9a4[br] https://www.ggbm.at/ANmJwgUf[br]2. Zino Ng - Paper Strips Activities[br] https://www.ggbm.at/NEPFdqgN
1. GeoGebra book 圖形。周界[br] https://www.ggbm.at/vezb2cv4[br]2. 滕衍文(2013)《小能人數學 小學三年級》頁112-117 南京大學出版社[br]3. 洪進華(2019)《小學數學新思維 4下A》頁31-64 教育出版社

Information: Polygon formed from 2 rectangles