IM 6.3.11 Lesson: Percentages and Double Number Lines

Each of three friends—Lin, Jada, and Andre—had the goal of raising $40.
[list=1][*]Lin raised 100% of her goal.[/*][*]Jada raised 50% of her goal.[/*][*]Andre raised 150% of his goal. [br][/*][/list]How much money did each person raise? Explain your reasoning.
Elena biked 8 miles on Saturday. Use the double number line to answer the questions. Be prepared to explain your reasoning.
What is 100% of her Saturday distance?
On Sunday, she biked 75% of her Saturday distance. How far was that?
On Monday, she biked 125% of her Saturday distance. How far was that?
Jada has a new puppy that weighs 9 pounds. The vet says that the puppy is now at about 20% of its adult weight.
What will be the adult weight of the puppy?
Andre also has a puppy that weighs 9 pounds. The vet says that this puppy is now at about 30% of its adult weight.
What will be the adult weight of Andre’s puppy?
What is the same about Jada and Andre’s puppies? What is different?[br]
A loaf of bread costs $2.50 today. The same size loaf cost 20 cents in 1955.
What percentage of today’s price did someone in 1955 pay for bread?
A job pays $10.00 an hour today. If the same percentage applies to income as well, how much would that job have paid in 1955?[br]

Información: IM 6.3.11 Lesson: Percentages and Double Number Lines