Task 6: Gradient of the sine function

Explore the shape of the gradient function for the sine function [math]y=sin(x)[/math].[br]The graph of [math]y=sin(x)[/math] is shown, a point P on the curve is shown with the tangent at that point. The gradient of the tangent is measured, and the value of the gradient is plotted at Q.
Press the "trace Q" button.[br]Use the slider to adjust P.[br][br]1. What do you notice about the shape of the gradient function of [math]y=sin(x)[/math]?[br][br][list][*]What do you think gradient function is?[/*][*]Type your guess into the box marked "trial gradient function".[/*][*]Press SHOW to view your guess.[/*][/list][br]2. What is the gradient function of [math]y=sin(x)[/math]?

Information: Task 6: Gradient of the sine function