Schedule 23-24 July

DAY 1: Tuesday, 23 July 2019 (updates forthcoming)
[color=#444444][b][size=100]07:45 – 08:45  Registration[br][/size][/b][/color][br][color=#0000ff][b]08:45 – 09:00  (Room A) Welcome Address[/b][/color][br][br][color=#0000ff][b]09:00 – 09:30  [b](Room A) [/b]Opening Keynote[/b][/color] with Markus Hohenwarter & Stephen Jull[br][br][color=#9900ff][b]09:45 – 10:30 Special Topics[/b][/color] (ST):[br][list][*][b](Room 3) ST 1: Creating digital curriculum and assessment services at scale [/b][/*][/list]      Jeff Weidenaar (Pearson, USA)[br]      Peter Gee (Pearson, UK) [br]      Anthony Or (Pearson, Hong Kong)       [br][list][*][b](Room 6) ST 2: Artificial Intelligence powering personalized learning pathways [/b][/*][/list]      Valentino Pacifici (Sana Labs, Sweden)[br]      Stephen Jull standing in for 3P Learning (3P Learning, Australia) [br]      Tim Brzezinski (Brzezinski Math, USA)[br]    [br][br][color=#9900ff][b]10:45 - 11:30 Special Topics[/b][/color] (ST):[br][list][*][b][b](Room 3) [/b]ST 3: BYOD disrupting and equalizing learning and assessment  [br][/b][/*][/list]   Tom Button (Mathematics Education Innovation - MEI, UK)[br][list][*][b][b](Room 6) [/b]ST 4: Open sources online assessment for all![/b][/*][/list]     Mark Molenaar (TAO/OAT, Luxembourg/USA)[br][br][b][size=150][size=100][color=#444444]11:45 – 12:45  Lunch (on-site, Johannes Kepler University - JKU Cafeteria)[br][/color][/size][/size][/b][br][color=#0000ff][b]12:45 – 13:45  (Room A) Keynote: [/b][/color][b]High stakes exams and the new digital divide[/b][br]     Ewald Bichler (Gymnasium Ergolding, Bavaria)[br]       Rob Pontecorvo [url=](Sewanhaka Central High School District, NY, USA)[/url][br]   ...with introduction by Markus Hohenwarter and Balazs Bencze (GeoGebra, Austria)[br][br][br][color=#9900ff][b]14:00 – 14:45 Workshops[/b][/color] (W): [br][list][*][b][b](Room 3) [/b]W 1: Advanced Authoring in GeoGebra[br][/b][/*][/list]       Vincent Pantaloni (MoE, France)[br]        Chris Cambre (Ind., Belgium)[br][list][*][b][b](Room 6) [/b]W 2: Creating a new digital learning product from the ground up[/b][/*][/list]        Mattias Ahlén (Clio, Denmark)[br][br][color=#9900ff][b]15:00 - 15:45 Workshops[/b][/color] (W):[br][list][*][b][b](Room 3) [/b]W 3: Advanced Authoring in GeoGebra[br][/b][/*][/list]        Tim Brzezinski (Brzezinski Math, USA)[br]       Anthony Or (GIHK, Hong Kong)[br][list][*][b] [b](Room 6) [/b]W 4: Interactive algebraic expressions for improved learning outcomes [/b][/*][/list]       David Landy (Graspable Math, USA)[br][br][color=#9900ff][b]16:00 – 16:45  Refreshments & SoapBox[/b][/color] - Featured Partners (standing tables in a social/networking setting)[br][br][color=#0000ff][b]16:45 – 17:40  (Room A) Panel:[/b][/color] [b]See the Future - Curriculum and Assessment 20/20 [/b][br]     Rachael Horsman (Cambridge Maths, UK)[br]    Nadia Aplakova (Ministry of Education, UAE)[br]     Kyeong Choi (GeoGebra Institute Korea, Korea)[br]     Werner Olivier (Nelson Mandela University, South Africa)[br]    David Landy (Graspable Math, USA)[br]    [br][br][b][size=150][size=100][color=#444444]17:45 – 18:00  Group Photo[br][/color][/size][/size][/b][br][color=#0000ff][b]18:00 – 20:00 [/b][/color] [color=#0000ff][b]Reception[/b][/color] - hosted by JKU Mathematics department - [url=][/url]
DAY 2: Wednesday, 24 July 2019 (updates forthcoming)
08:00 – 08:45  Coffee Social[br][br][color=#0000ff][b]8:45 – 09:30  (Room A) Plenary:[/b][/color] [b]GeoGebra - Current Developments and Plans[/b][br]     GeoGebra Team presenting[br]      ...hosted by Stephen Jull[br][br][color=#9900ff][b]09:45 – 10.30 Partner Demo's:[/b][/color] Assessment Innovation Live![br][list][*][b][b](Room 3) [/b]PD 1: Photomath - Being #1: Getting to 100,000,000 app installs one student at a time [/b][br][/*][/list]        Damir Sabol (Photomath, Croatia/USA)[br][list][*][b][b](Room 6) [/b]PD 2: Kikora - MathMarathon: 40,000,000 questions in 30 days [/b][/*][/list]        Anders Baumberger (Kikora, Norway)[br][br][color=#9900ff][b]10.45 - 11:30 Partner Demo's:[/b][/color] Assessment Innovation Live Part 2![br][list][*][b][b](Room 3) [/b]PD 3: K12 - America's goto digital service for blended learning [/b]  [br][/*][/list]        Richard Monke (K12, USA)[br][list][*][b][b](Room 6) [/b]PD 4: Blutick - Startups and setbacks: Reshaping mathematics assessment services [/b][/*][/list]        Rob Percival (Blutick, UK)[br][br][b][size=150]11:45 – 12:45  [/size][/b][b][size=150]Lunch (on-site, Johannes Kepler University - JKU Cafeteria)[/size][/b][br][br][color=#0000ff][b]12:45 - 13:45  (Room A) Panel:[/b][/color] [b]Adaptive learning - Personalizing Personalized Learning[/b][br]     Simona Riva (GeoGebra Moderator/Author/Teacher, Italy)[br]     Alice Kelly (Kognity, Sweden)[br]    Vincent Pantaloni (Ministry of Education, France)[br]     Audrey McLaren (LearnQuebec, Canada)[br]  [br][br][color=#9900ff][b]14:00 – 14.45 Working Groups[/b][/color] (WG):[br][list][*][b][b](Room 3) [/b]WG 1: Authoring for assessment with...the 3 Musketeers! [/b][/*][/list]        Chris Cambre (Ind., Belgium)[br]        Tim Brzezinski (Brzezinski Math, USA)[br]        Anthony Or (GIHK, Hong Kong)[br][list][*][b][b](Room 6) [/b]WG 2: GeoGebra is to the calculator what iPhone was to Blackberry [size=50](sorry Blackberry)[/size][/b][/*][/list][size=100]        Rob Pontecorvo (Sewanhaka Central High School District, USA)[br]        Tom Button (MEI, UK)[br]        Anders Baumberger (Kikora, Norway)[br][/size][br][color=#9900ff][b]15:00 - 15:45 Working Groups[/b][/color] (WG):[br][list][*][b][b](Room 3) [/b]WG 3: Adaptive Learning: Everything and more you thought it could be[/b][br][/*][/list]        Karis Amata Zecchi (Area9, Denmark)[br]        Valentino Pacifici (Sana Labs, Sweden)[br][list][*][b][b](Room 6) [/b]WG 4: Global Superpowers Local Leaders: Large scale publishing collaborating for change[/b][/*][/list]        Jeff Weidenaar (Pearson, USA)[br]       Nils Dörffer (Cornelsen, Germany)[br]      Mattias Ahlen (Clio, Denmark)[br]        TBD (People's Education Press, China)[br][br]  [br]     [br][b][size=150]15:45 – 16:10  Refreshments & Networking [/size][/b][br][br][color=#0000ff][b]16:10 – 16:40  (Room A) Keynote:[/b][/color] GeoGebra - Global services in mathematics teaching, learning, assessment [br][br][size=100][size=150][b][color=#444444]19:00 - evening of informal and spontaneous discussions:[/color][/b][/size][/size] Jump on the tram and hopefully see you in the [url=]Hauptplatz [/url] for some traditional Austrian piazza fare on a warm summer evening :)
G3 2019 - Tic Tok

Information: Schedule 23-24 July