Exploring Types of Angles

Acute, Obtuse, and Right Angles
Write your answers to these questions in your math notebook.[br][br]1. Click the blue dot and move it until the angle measurement reads 90 degrees. What is this type of angle called?[br]2. Slide the blue dot to the right. What do you notice about the angle measurements as you move it to the right? [br]3. Slide the blue dot to the left. What do you notice about the angle measurements as you move it to the left?[br]4. When does the label change from "obtuse" to "acute"?[br]5. Explore more angles by sliding the blue dot, and then write your own definition for an obtuse angle, a right angle, and an acute angle.[br]6. Give an example measurement of an acute angle. Explain why it is acute, not obtuse.[br]7. Give an example measurement of an obtuse angle. Explain why it is obtuse, not acute.[br]8. What is the largest whole-number measurement an acute angle could have?[br]9. What is the smallest whole-number measurement an obtuse angle could have?[br]10. What makes a right angle unique?

Información: Exploring Types of Angles