17 Tuman Aqa mausoleum

The Tuman Aqa complex (a mausoleum and mosque from 1404 and 1405) are situated in the upper part of the Shah-i-zinda, close to the Khodja Akhmad mausoleum.[br]The Tuman Aqa complex has an extensive program of inscriptions. One over the portal of the mausoleum[br]describes the space as an “illuminated shrine.” The theme of light is also prominent in the inscriptions, with spiritual blessings manifested through the light. [br]The inscription also refers to the foundation of the tomb and the year of its construction. [br]The theme of light continues in the pylons that frame the portal which read: “in the name of God the merciful magnificent Lord, give us light in our heart, light in our graves, light in our candle, light in our vision.” [br]In the arch of the doorway to the tomb the inscription states “The noblest of the Prophet Muhammad upon him be peace said, the tomb is a door and everyone enters it.” Once again one is reminded of one's mortality. [br]
There is a signature identifying the designer of the inscriptions as Shaykh Muhammad b. Hajji Bandgir al-Tughra'i Tabrizi. As indicated by his name, this calligrapher came from Tabriz and is known as tughra’i because one of his jobs was to prepare official documents in the chancellery.[br]It has been determined that this calligrapher came from a great family of calligraphers. [br]This shows that a calligrapher would have designed inscriptions on paper and it would then have been converted into mosaic faience for the facade of the monument. [br]The mausoleum looks magnificent, but it's the result of a recent 'hard' restauration early 21th century. COmpare the picture above (after) and below (before) restauration.[br]
Above the entrance there's a muqarna, crowned by a half 24-pointed star.[br]Typical for the muqarnas in this period is tha they're still close to the rectangular schemes with cells, arranged layer upon layer. At the same time there are small deviations on this scheme to create stars in the lower corners.which you can find in [url=https://www.geogebra.org/m/exbmewre#material/j2g4khxr]Bukhara's 17th century and later[/url] with concentric circles of stars.[br]

Information: 17 Tuman Aqa mausoleum