Fourier Cosine Series to Fourier Cosine Transform

Cosine Series to Cosine Transform
This is an example where the length of the Cosine Series is increased and compared with the Cosine Transform which has an infinite domain. [br]The Fourier Cosine Transform of a unit step pulse is [math]H\left(1-x\right)\Longrightarrow\frac{2}{\pi\omega}sin\left(\omega\right)[/math] and the Cosine Series is [math]A_n=\frac{2}{n\pi}\sin\left(n\pi\frac{x}{L}\right)[/math] . As the domain length increases [math]\frac{n\pi}{L}\longrightarrow\omega[/math] and [math]\frac{L}{\pi}A_n\longrightarrow F_{c\left(\omega\right)}[/math]. This animation illustrates the comparison as the length [math]L[/math] is animated.

Information: Fourier Cosine Series to Fourier Cosine Transform