Quiz 1: Trigonometric Functions of Special Angles (Autoevaluable)
Modificación de un archivo de Tim Brezinski.
Without using a calculator, use this applet to test your knowledge of evaluating trigonometric functions of special angles. Every angle you see will be a multiple of pi/6 and/or pi/4 radians.
Angle range tested here = [-12pi, 12pi].
Be sure to input EXACT VALUES of RATIOS in the input box!Use the phrase "sqrt()" for the square root symbol.
For example, type "sqrt(3)/2" for .
You can complete only 4 problems.
For an applet that generates questions similar to these for angles between [-100pi, 100pi],
click here.
Information: Quiz 1: Trigonometric Functions of Special Angles (Autoevaluable)