9 Shirin Bika mausoleum - interieur

Similarly, the monument's interior was in poor shape prior to restoration, but old photographs and the surviving elements provided conservators with a roadmap of the original design, which they approximated with high-quality reconstructions, such that it is difficult to tell where the original elements end and the restored ones begin. [br]This monument is one of only five Timurid-era tombs with [i]paysage [/i]imagery, depicting rural landscapes. The conservators heavily restored several of these paintings but others were left in their forlorn, all-but-blank condition.
foto's: orientalarchitecture.com
picture: orientalarchitecture.com
In the corners of the mausoleum muqarnas make the transition from square to octagon to support the dome.[br]In the floor plan you can see starters for stars. In the apex there's a half 16-ppointed star.
picture: orientalarchitecture.com[br]drawing: Shiro Takahashi

Information: 9 Shirin Bika mausoleum - interieur