General Information

[i]GeoGebra Exam Mode[/i] allows students to use the power of our apps during high-stakes tests and exams on paper while restricting their access to the internet or other software that shouldn’t be used during testing.[br][br]This can be accomplished to suit your needs by using any one of three different levels of security:[br][list][*][i]GeoGebra[/i]’s own student-initiated [i]Exam Mode[/i][br][/*][*]Teacher-initiated[i] Exam Mode[br][/i][/*][*]Mobile Device Manager (MDM)-initiated[i] Exam Mode[/i][/*][/list]
Student-initiated Exam Mode
The student-initiated [i]GeoGebra Exam Mode[/i] is most often used for small scale testing and special testing assingments. It is built into our [i]GeoGebra Math Apps[/i] and runs on your mobile device without any additonal installations. [br][br]During an exam, the app on the student's device is locked in full-screen mode allowing no space for other information to be displayed on the screen. Furhermore the students aren't able to access the internet or GeoGebra website and cannot open files saved on their devices. If a student manages to exit the [i]Exam Mode [/i]without permission, an easily detectable visual alert will be triggered.
Teacher-initiated Exam Mode
A teacher-initiated [i]Exam Mode[/i] is most often used for daily classroom testing conducted by the classroom teacher. It has all of the features of a student-initiated [i]Exam Mode[/i] as stated above. Students are locked into [i]Exam Mode [/i]by their teacher trough their use of a specific device app (e.g.: Apple Classroom, Google Scenes, etc.). This method is more secure than a student-initiated [i]Exam Mode [/i]because the students are not able to exit the [i]Exam Mode[/i] on their device until the teacher releases them.[br][br]The procedure and instructions for this type of lock are typically developed by the specific classroom management software company.  If you find that the provider of your classroom management software is not familiar with this process, please encourage them to contact [i]GeoGebra[/i] directly.
Mobile Device Manager (MDM)-initiated Exam Mode
A MDM-initiated [i]Exam Mode[/i] is most often used for high-stakes testing conducted at the building or district level. It has all of the features of a teacher-initiated [i]Exam Mode[/i] as stated above. The students are locked into [i]Exam Mode[/i] by their school administration through their use of the school MDM (e.g.: Jamf, Google Manager, Kiosk Mode on Chromebooks, etc.). This method is the most secure because the students are not able to exit [i]Exam Mode[/i] on their device until the school administration releases them.[br][br]The procedure and instructions for this type of lock are typically developed by the specific mobile device management software company.  If you find that the provider of your mobile device management software is not familiar with this process, please encourage them to contact [i]GeoGebra [/i]directly.
GeoGebra Exam Mode in your region
GeoGebra apps are approved and used on tests around the world on various platforms (iOS, Android, Windows, Mac). Want to use [i]GeoGebra[/i] on exams in your region, state, or country? We are happy to help integrate [i]GeoGebra[/i] into your local tests free of charge!
