Percents: Quiz (I)

Click on the [color=#1551b5][b]"Generate New Problem"[/b][/color] button to create a new problem.[br]Solve the given problem on a separate sheet of paper. (Be sure to show all your work!)[br]Once you solve the problem, enter in your answer. [br][br][color=#c51414][b]Be sure your answer is correctly rounded to the nearest hundredth (0.01) !!![/b][/color][br][br]If your answer is correct, you'll see a huge "[b][color=#c51414]CORRECT !!![/color][/b]" sign appear on your screen.[br][i][color=#c51414]If your answer is not correct, keep working on the problem until you get it correct. [/color][/i][br][br]After correctly solving a problem, click on the [b][color=#1551b5]"Generate New Problem" [/color][/b]button to create a new problem to solve.[br][br][b][i][color=#b20ea8]Use this applet as much as you need in order to master this concept !!![/color][/i][/b]

Information: Percents: Quiz (I)