Summary - What can GeoGebra do for you?

[list][size=200][*]Rapid prototyping of ideas[br][/*][*]Closed dynamic constructions to enhance exhibits[br][/*][*]Open, rich mathematical environment in which to explore mathematical ideas[br][/*][*]Use to design / make exhibits & diagrams[br][/*][*]Host anything from simple worksheets to complete books on GeoGebra Materials Platform, including nice inline formulae[br][math]x=\frac{2c}{-b\pm\sqrt{b^2-4ac}}[/math] as promised[/*][*]Free support 24/7/ 365¼[/*][*]QR codes → GeoGebra Worksheet etc[/*][/size][/list]

Information: Summary - What can GeoGebra do for you?