Games and Puzzles with GeoGebra
1. Games
- GeoGemblo
- Lights Out Game - with target patterns
- Ajedrez
- Four-by-Four NIM
- Mastermind
- pentago
- Play HEX!
- Memory 60 cards
2. Puzzles
- Getting some surprises with Renert School.
- Could you fit it?
- GeoGebra Pentominoes
- Deci-Blocks
- Square Puzzle
- Solve Rubik's Cube (solution guide inside)
- Arthur's puzzle
- Dissections
- Tetrominos
- Panel "Los Mutilados"
- Brazil_Flag
- Play first, conjecture then!
- 15 puzzle trick
- 5-Piece Puzzle
- 8-puzzle & 24-puzzle
- Truchet 3x3
3. Challenges
- Flip Flop
- Chinese Match Puzzles 2 (7 puzzles)
- Chessboard Puzzle
- Desafio tabuleiro 6x6
- Desafio das caixas
- Jogo das Reflexões e Rotações
- Hexagonal Puzzle
- Desafio dos poliminós
- Four color challenge
- Painting circles
4. Activities
- What is behind? (1)
- What is behind? (2)
- Copy of The Horse Illusion
- Solution of a sliding-block puzzle
- Jogo das Sequências
5. Ideas to develop
- Blokus
- Blokus Trigon
- Inversé
- Rush hour
- Quarto
- Abalone
- Pentago
- Pentago Multiplayer
- Triovision
- Logifaces
6. Students' Productions
- Greek_Flag
- Lebanon_Flag
- Lebanon_Flag 2
- Nigeria_Flag
- Nigeria_Flag 2
- Nigeria_Flag 3
- India_Flag J
- India_Flag J 2
- India_Flag S
- India_Flag S 2
- India_Flag S 3
- Slovakia_Flag
- Slovakia_Flag 2
- Slovakia_Flag 3
- Tanzania_Flag
- Tanzania_Flag 2
- Tanzania_Flag 3
- Indian_Flag J 3
- Tanzania_Flag 4
7. Tessellation
- Elleni's Tessellation
- Fatima`s Tessellation
- Jibola's Tessellation
- Sam`s Tessellation
- Aydin (rainbow triangle)
- Fatima`s tile
- Jibola`s Mandala tile
- Seiraj Art
- Multiplying tiles
- Playing with symmetry
- Mirrors
- Joavan`s Mosaic
- triangle
- crazy reflected trangle
- Fatimah's mandala
- Mosaic
8. References
- References
Games and Puzzles with GeoGebra
Diego Lieban, Elisabeth Bade, Nov 6, 2018

Playing and developing logic games. Initially, some games will be used to grasp basic rules and geometric properties like symmetry for instance. Then the students will be introduced to some Boolean logical features in order to develop their own games. Finally, going deep in math using some impossible puzzles to encourage students for argumentation processes.
Table of Contents
- Games
- GeoGemblo
- Lights Out Game - with target patterns
- Ajedrez
- Four-by-Four NIM
- Mastermind
- pentago
- Play HEX!
- Memory 60 cards
- Puzzles
- Getting some surprises with Renert School.
- Could you fit it?
- GeoGebra Pentominoes
- Deci-Blocks
- Square Puzzle
- Solve Rubik's Cube (solution guide inside)
- Arthur's puzzle
- Dissections
- Tetrominos
- Panel "Los Mutilados"
- Brazil_Flag
- Play first, conjecture then!
- 15 puzzle trick
- 5-Piece Puzzle
- 8-puzzle & 24-puzzle
- Truchet 3x3
- Challenges
- Flip Flop
- Chinese Match Puzzles 2 (7 puzzles)
- Chessboard Puzzle
- Desafio tabuleiro 6x6
- Desafio das caixas
- Jogo das Reflexões e Rotações
- Hexagonal Puzzle
- Desafio dos poliminós
- Four color challenge
- Painting circles
- Activities
- What is behind? (1)
- What is behind? (2)
- Copy of The Horse Illusion
- Solution of a sliding-block puzzle
- Jogo das Sequências
- Ideas to develop
- Blokus
- Blokus Trigon
- Inversé
- Rush hour
- Quarto
- Abalone
- Pentago
- Pentago Multiplayer
- Triovision
- Logifaces
- Students' Productions
- Greek_Flag
- Lebanon_Flag
- Lebanon_Flag 2
- Nigeria_Flag
- Nigeria_Flag 2
- Nigeria_Flag 3
- India_Flag J
- India_Flag J 2
- India_Flag S
- India_Flag S 2
- India_Flag S 3
- Slovakia_Flag
- Slovakia_Flag 2
- Slovakia_Flag 3
- Tanzania_Flag
- Tanzania_Flag 2
- Tanzania_Flag 3
- Indian_Flag J 3
- Tanzania_Flag 4
- Tessellation
- Elleni's Tessellation
- Fatima`s Tessellation
- Jibola's Tessellation
- Sam`s Tessellation
- Aydin (rainbow triangle)
- Fatima`s tile
- Jibola`s Mandala tile
- Seiraj Art
- Multiplying tiles
- Playing with symmetry
- Mirrors
- Joavan`s Mosaic
- triangle
- crazy reflected trangle
- Fatimah's mandala
- Mosaic
- References
- References

1. Getting some surprises with Renert School.
2. Could you fit it?
3. GeoGebra Pentominoes
4. Deci-Blocks
5. Square Puzzle
6. Solve Rubik's Cube (solution guide inside)
7. Arthur's puzzle
8. Dissections
9. Tetrominos
10. Panel "Los Mutilados"
11. Brazil_Flag
12. Play first, conjecture then!
13. 15 puzzle trick
14. 5-Piece Puzzle
15. 8-puzzle & 24-puzzle
16. Truchet 3x3
Getting some surprises with Renert School.
Getting some surprises with Renert School.

Flip Flop

What is behind? (1)


Students' Productions
The materials available here were produced by the Renert School's students inspired by "Los Mutilados" panel, in Chapter 2 of this book.
1. Greek_Flag
2. Lebanon_Flag
3. Lebanon_Flag 2
4. Nigeria_Flag
5. Nigeria_Flag 2
6. Nigeria_Flag 3
7. India_Flag J
8. India_Flag J 2
9. India_Flag S
10. India_Flag S 2
11. India_Flag S 3
12. Slovakia_Flag
13. Slovakia_Flag 2
14. Slovakia_Flag 3
15. Tanzania_Flag
16. Tanzania_Flag 2
17. Tanzania_Flag 3
18. Indian_Flag J 3
19. Tanzania_Flag 4

The tessellation artworks exhibited here are based on http://afaithfulattempt.blogspot.ca. Squares, vectors and translation features were used to multiply the original tile. Students produced their own pattern using geometric elements to explore symmetry properties further.
1. Elleni's Tessellation
2. Fatima`s Tessellation
3. Jibola's Tessellation
4. Sam`s Tessellation
5. Aydin (rainbow triangle)
6. Fatima`s tile
7. Jibola`s Mandala tile
8. Seiraj Art
9. Multiplying tiles
10. Playing with symmetry
11. Mirrors
12. Joavan`s Mosaic
13. triangle
14. crazy reflected trangle
15. Fatimah's mandala
16. Mosaic
Elleni's Tessellation