Locating of (Positive) Rational Numbers on a Number Line - Random Values

Description of the Applet
This GeoGebra applet lets you explore three types of positive rational numbers: fractions, decimals, and percentages.[br][br]Generate random numbers of each type by clicking the "[i]New Numbers" [/i]BUTTON, and drag the corresponding points on the number line . The applet will show you if each number's location is correct.[br]
Your Task
Locate [b]two different values [/b]for each type of positive rational numbers: fractions, decimals, and percentages. Illustrate your answers on the notes provided below. [br][br]Then, answer the additional questions below.
First Set of Values
Second Set of Values
How did you determine the locations of each positive rational number?

Informação: Locating of (Positive) Rational Numbers on a Number Line - Random Values