Copy of Introduction to Radian Measure

Target: Given a circle's radius and an arc measure, find the arc length.
[i]Arc Length – A portion of the circumference of the circle. [/i][br]Drag the “Arc” slider. [br]1) How does the arc length of a semicircle compare with the Circumference? [br]2) How does the arc length of a whole circle compare with the Circumference?[br][i]Radian - a unit of measure, equal to an angle at the center of a circle whose arc length is equal in length to the radius.[/i][br]3) Drag the “Arc” slider to 1. How does the arc length compare with the radius?[br]4) Drag the “Arc” slider to 4. How does the arc length compare with the radius?[br]5) How many radians are in a semicircle with radius = 1 unit?[br]6) How many radians are in a circle with radius = 1 unit?[br]7) Drag the “Radius” slider to 2. How many radians are in a semicircle with radius = 2 units?[br]8) How many radians are in a circle with radius = 2 units?[br]9) Drag the “Arc” slider to 1. What is the arc length with an arc measure of 1 radian in a circle with radius 2 units?[br]10) What is the arc length of an arc with a measure of 3 radians in a circle with radius 2 units?[br]11) What is the arc length of an arc with a measure of 5 radians in a circle with radius 2 units?[br]12) What is the arc length of an arc with a measure of 5 radians in a circle with radius 5 units?

Information: Copy of Introduction to Radian Measure