L1: Group Activity
Direction: After counting from 1 - 9, go to your group. Each group have a specific picture. Under 10 minutes, each group needs to identify figures/objects in the picture that represents point, line and plane. Your leader will present it in front. Please be guided by the rubric shown below.[br][list][*]If it represents a point mark it [color=#ff0000]red[/color]. [/*][*]If it represents a line, mark it [color=#0000ff]blue[/color]. [/*][*]If it represents a plane mark it [color=#ffff00]yellow[/color].[br][/*][/list]
Task 1
Task 2
Direction: Answer the following questions in less than 50 words.
Task 3
1. Did you find difficulty looking for examples of each undefined term? Why?
Task 4
2. Can you now see the connection of points, lines, and planes in forming[br]other geometric figures? Why are points, lines and planes important in[br]Geometry?

Information: FIND ME!