[center][color=#0000ff][b]The purpose of this GeoGebra book is to introduce students to Hyperbolic geometry through comparison to Euclidean geometry.[/b][/color][/center][center][color=#0000ff]The scope of this booklet does require some familiarity with hyperboloids.[br]All interactive constructions are done in The Poincare Model. A large focus of this book is triangles in Hyperbolic space.[br]The design of this booklet has questions that are intended for group discussion. [br]If this lesson is done asynchronously I would suggest making one of these questions a topic for a discussion post while also having them answer it in the GeoGebra activity.[/color][color=#3d85c6] [/color][/center]
[list][*][color=#6aa84f]Apply previous knowledge about parallel lines in Euclidean geometry[br][/color][/*][*][color=#6aa84f]Apply previous knowledge about triangle properties in Euclidean geometry[br][/color][/*][*][color=#6aa84f]Identify key differences in the parallel postulate[br][/color][/*][*][color=#6aa84f]Explain the differences between zero, positive and negative curvature.[br][/color][/*][*][color=#6aa84f]Describe a line in hyperbolic geometry[br][/color][/*][*][color=#6aa84f]Describe properties of triangles in hyperbolic geometry[/color][br][/*][/list]