Perpendicular Bisector: Quick Recap

In the app below, the [b][color=#9900ff]purple line (p)[/color][/b] is said to be the [b][color=#9900ff]perpendicular bisector[/color][/b] of the segment with endpoints [b][color=#ff0000]SS[/color][/b] and [b][color=#0000ff]SHS[/color][/b]. Move points [b][color=#ff0000]SS[/color] [/b]snd [b][color=#0000ff]SHS[/color] [/b]around. (Don't touch the vertical slider yet.) [br][br]How would you describe what a [b][color=#9900ff]perpendicular bisector[/color][/b] of a segment [i]is[/i]? Please describe below.
After you answer the question above, go on to the questions below this app.
Complete the following in the app above.
[list=1][*]Slide up the black slider (on the right). [/*][*][b][color=#ff0000]Drag the red point (SS) on top of Stop & Shop. [/color][/b][/*][*][color=#0000ff][b]Drag the blue point (SHS) on top of Southington High School. [/b][/color][/*][*]Click the Show More checkbox (in the upper right corner). [/*][*]Drag that [b][color=#9900ff]LARGE PURPLE POINT[/color][/b] around. [/*][/list][br][b][color=#9900ff]What do you notice? [/color][/b]
Suppose a segment has endpoints [i][b]A[/b][/i] and [i][b]B[/b][/i]. [br]Suppose [b][color=#9900ff]point [i]W[/i] [/color][/b]is a point on the perpendicular bisector of this segment. [br][br]Which of the following statements are true?

Information: Perpendicular Bisector: Quick Recap