Angle at the Center Theorem

Part 1: Pizza
The pizza has a radius of about 4 inches.[br]Point C (0,0) is the center of the pizza.
Graph 1
MOVE [b]POINT E[/b] and find out how big you want your slice pizza.[br]Answer in terms of degrees and give the coordinates of E .[br] [br]Example: Pizza Slice Size is 180 degrees and coordinate E (-4,0).
Part 2: Best Guess
The circle below has center A (0,0) and radius 4.[br][br]Angle BAC is called the central angle and the measurement of central angle BAC is 90 degree.[br][br]Angle BDC is called the inscribed angle.[br]
Graph 2
Give me your best guess on the measurement of the inscribed angle BDC (the angle in pink).
Part 3: Learning Time
Let's find out what is the relationship between the central angle and the inscribed angle! :)
Please watch this video.
This is a circle with center A (0,0) and radius 4.[br][br]Move point C (color blue) to create different measurements for central angle BAC.[br]Observe what happen between the measurement of central angle BAC and the measurement of inscribed angle BDC.
Graph 3
If the central angle BAC is 90 degrees, then what is the measurement of the inscribed angle BDC? [br]Explain your reasoning.
Using Graph 3 above[br] If the measurement of the [b]central angle BAC[/b] is [b]240 degrees[/b],[br] what is the measurement of the [b]inscribed angle BDC[/b]?
Using Graph 3 above[br] If the measurement of the [b]inscribed angle BDC[/b] is [b]64 degrees[/b],[br] what is the measurement of the [b]central angle BAC[/b]?
Angle at the Center Theorem
What is the relationship between the measurement of central angle BAC and the measurement of inscribed angle BDC?[br]Select all that apply.
Please watch this video
Graph 4
If your friend, cut the pizza from [b]DB [/b]and from [b]DC[/b], what is the measurement of angle [b]BDC[/b] (angle in red)?
Identify the central angle:
Identify the inscribed angle:
Part 4: Reflection Time
1. What was your favorite part of this activity?[br]2. What did you not like about this activity?[br]3. Write your own definition of what it means to be an inscribed angle and a central angle.[br]4. Bonus Question: What is your favorite pizza toppings?[br][br]Please number your responses:
On a scale of 1-5, was this activity helpful in learning the ANGLE at the CENTER THEOREM?[br]1: meaning not very helpful[br]5: meaning very helpful

Information: Angle at the Center Theorem