24. Exploring Molecular Symmetry with Platonic Solids and GeoGebra
Lesson Plan
25. Mondrian design
Lesson Plan
26. The Labyrinth Challenge: Designing and Solving Mazes
Lesson Plan
GeoGebra 3D with AR (Android): Quick Setup Instructions
27. Tessellation
Lesson Plan
Escher Lizard
gruya_Cecilia Russo
Tessellation - Bones
Tessellation - Airplane
28. Niemeyer and the Conic Sections
Lesson Plan
Some Pictures
3D printing from GeoGebra
Symposium 3D Printing 2021
3D printing from GeoGebra Introduction Ways I found to 3D print Rotating functions Multi variable functions Creating a new didactic approach Rotating functions
Rotating functions
29. Open box problem
Lesson Plan
Box Problem
30. Perimeter wall
Lesson Plan
31. Building a DIY Dynamometer
Lesson Plan
Measuring forces
Spring Motion with Graph
32. Proportional Compass
Lesson Plan
Proportional Compass
33. Stereochemistry Isomers Flowchart Project
Lesson plan
34. Molecular Mobiles
Lesson plan
35. Death and Decomposition Timeline
Lesson plan
36. Disassembling the air conditioner
Lesson plan
37. Improvement of non-cognitive skills through e-sports
Lesson plan
38. How to see the sun
Lesson plan
39. Geometric Explorations: Sculpting Science and Mathematics through 3D Printing
Geometric Explorations_ Sculpting Science and Mathematics through 3D Printing.docx
40. PuzzleCraft: Designing Cognitive Games to Unravel the Art of Problem-Solving in STEAM
PuzzleCraft_ Designing Cognitive Games to Unravel the Art of Problem-Solving in STEAM
41. RoboCrafters: Building the Future with 4Dframe Robotics and Mechatronics in STEAM Education
RoboCrafters: Building the Future with 4Dframe Robotics and Mechatronics in STEAM Education
42. Moving Minds: A Journey Through Embodied Learning in Mathematics, Sciences, and Arts
Moving Minds: A Journey Through Embodied Learning in Mathematics, Sciences, and Arts
43. The 5-Liter Design Challenge: A STEAM Adventure
The 5-Liter Design Challenge: A STEAM Adventure
44. STEAMbox: Crafting Miniature Worlds in STEAM
STEAMbox: Crafting Miniature Worlds in STEAM
45. Exploring Pentomino Puzzles in STEAM
Exploring Pentomino Puzzles in STEAM
46. Japan Meets Design
Japan Meets Design
47. A Multidimensional Exploration of Art and Mathematics
A Multidimensional Exploration of Art and Mathematics
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Open Educational Resources provided by the STEAM-BOX project.
The materials in Hungarian are available at the following link: https://www.geogebra.org/m/btsnkjhu
Table des matières
Temperature and Linear Equation
Temperature and Linear Equation Lesson Plan
Substances and Their Specific Heat
Experiment 1
Experiment 2
Let's Make Our Own Thermos
Healthy Diet
Healthy Diet Lesson Plan
What Should Be on My Plate?
Weekly Tracking Chart
What Have I Eaten for a Week
Nutrients and Their Properties
Bridge Lesson Plan
Bridges and Their Properties
Bridge Activity - Student Worksheet
Bridge Information
I Design My Dream Environment
I Design My Dream Environment Lesson Plan
What Happens If It is Recycled
Products Made with Recycled Materials
Design Area
Different Side Views of the Design
Disabled Ramps
Disabled Ramps Lesson Plan
Modeling and Construction Activity
How to Calculate Slope
Exploration of Inclined Planes
Inclined Plane
Platonic solids
Lesson plan
5 Platonic solids
Duality1, tetrahedron in tetrahedron
Duality2, octahedron in hexahedron
Duality3, hexahedron in octahedron
Duality4, icosahedron in dodecahedron
Duality5, dodecahedron in icosahedron
Car stopping distance
Lesson plan
Car_stopping_distance activity
Symmetry, reflection
Lesson Plan
Axial symmetry
Pythagoras tree
Lesson Plan
Síkbeli Pitagorasz fa
Térbeli Pitagorasz fa
Model making
Lesson Plan
Model making
Pi, circle
Pi, circle
Spatial letters
Lesson Plan
Spatial letter
Fibonacci numbers, spiral
Lesson Plan
Fibonacci spiral
Friezes, rosettes
Lesson Plan
Mobius strip
Lesson Plan
Möbius - band and multiply - twisted strips
Lesson Plan
Lesson Plan
Exploring Geometrization in Art
Lesson Plan
Challenging the odds
Challenging the odds
Creating a traffic light
Lesson Plan
Design Your Own Classroom Bookshelf
Lesson Plan
Designing a Roller Coaster
Lesson Plan
Montaña rusa
Economics externalities
Lesson Plan
An Introduction to Supply and Demand
Exploring Molecular Symmetry with Platonic Solids and GeoGebra
Lesson Plan
Mondrian design
Lesson Plan
The Labyrinth Challenge: Designing and Solving Mazes
Lesson Plan
GeoGebra 3D with AR (Android): Quick Setup Instructions
Lesson Plan
Escher Lizard
gruya_Cecilia Russo
Tessellation - Bones
Tessellation - Airplane
Niemeyer and the Conic Sections
Lesson Plan
Some Pictures
3D printing from GeoGebra
Symposium 3D Printing 2021
3D printing from GeoGebra Introduction Ways I found to 3D print Rotating functions Multi variable functions Creating a new didactic approach Rotating functions
Rotating functions
Open box problem
Lesson Plan
Box Problem
Perimeter wall
Lesson Plan
Building a DIY Dynamometer
Lesson Plan
Measuring forces
Spring Motion with Graph
Proportional Compass
Lesson Plan
Proportional Compass
Stereochemistry Isomers Flowchart Project
Lesson plan
Molecular Mobiles
Lesson plan
Death and Decomposition Timeline
Lesson plan
Disassembling the air conditioner
Lesson plan
Improvement of non-cognitive skills through e-sports
Lesson plan
How to see the sun
Lesson plan
Geometric Explorations: Sculpting Science and Mathematics through 3D Printing
Geometric Explorations_ Sculpting Science and Mathematics through 3D Printing.docx
PuzzleCraft: Designing Cognitive Games to Unravel the Art of Problem-Solving in STEAM
PuzzleCraft_ Designing Cognitive Games to Unravel the Art of Problem-Solving in STEAM
RoboCrafters: Building the Future with 4Dframe Robotics and Mechatronics in STEAM Education
RoboCrafters: Building the Future with 4Dframe Robotics and Mechatronics in STEAM Education
Moving Minds: A Journey Through Embodied Learning in Mathematics, Sciences, and Arts
Moving Minds: A Journey Through Embodied Learning in Mathematics, Sciences, and Arts
The 5-Liter Design Challenge: A STEAM Adventure
The 5-Liter Design Challenge: A STEAM Adventure
STEAMbox: Crafting Miniature Worlds in STEAM
STEAMbox: Crafting Miniature Worlds in STEAM
Exploring Pentomino Puzzles in STEAM
Exploring Pentomino Puzzles in STEAM
Japan Meets Design
Japan Meets Design
A Multidimensional Exploration of Art and Mathematics
A Multidimensional Exploration of Art and Mathematics
5. 3D printing from GeoGebra Introduction Ways I found to 3D print Rotating functions Multi variable functions Creating a new didactic approach Rotating functions