Quiz on Rectangular Coordinates (2) 直角坐標測驗2

gMath 互動數學教室[br][url=http://www.gmath.hk/]http://www.gmath.hk[/url]

Distance Between Two Points (Length of Line Segment)

Learn how to find the distance between two points (or length of line segment)
Can you form the formula for finding the distance between 2 points

Midpoint and Endpoint Coordinates Action!

Here, point A is an endpoint and point M is a midpoint. Move A and M where you'd like and slide the slider to find the other endpoint (B).

Slope as rise and run

Standard Form

Place the red dot on the x-intercept and the blue dot on the y-intercept. Then, use the black dot to find a third point on the line.

1. Graph at least 10 different lines. Write the equations and draw the graphs on a separate sheet of graph paper. 2. Create a rule for finding the x and y intercepts from the equation. 3. How would you explain your rule to another student? 4. Why does your rule work?

LZ Plotting Polygons
