Rekenblad - Quickstart

General Information
The [img][/img] [url=]GeoGebra Spreadsheet Quickstart[/url] introduces users to the basic use of the GeoGebra [i]Spreadsheet View[/i].[br][br]It provides information about[br][list][*]how to input data[/*][*]how to refer to cells[/*][*]relative and absolute copy of cell content[/*][*]the Spreadsheet Tools[/*][*]how to combine the Spreadsheet and Graphics View[/*][/list]
[b]Chapter 1: [url=]Spreadsheet Quickstart[/url][/b][br][list=1][*]How to Input Data and Refer to Cells[br][/*][*]Relative and Absolute Copy of Cell Content[br][/*][*]How to Use GeoGebra's Spreadsheet Tools[br][/*][/list][br][b]Chapter 2: [url=]Learn more about GeoGebra[/url][/b][br][list=1][*]How to combine the Spreadsheet and Graphics View[br][/*][*]The Spreadsheet Tools[br][/*][*]The GeoGebra Quickstart Series[/*][/list]

Information: Rekenblad - Quickstart