Multiplying Proper Fractions

Adjust the numerator and denominator sliders to identify the fractions you wish to multiply. Then click the "Move A to B" button to move A to B. (Or you can drag A to B.) When A and B coincide, the product of the fractions appears below the figure. Notice the “intersection” of the two fractions.

1. Reset A. Select the product of these fractions: 3/7 and 2/3. 2. How many small rectangles (in all) will there be when you move A to B? 3. How many are there in the intersection (the overlap area)? 4. Now move A to B. Did you correctly predict the answers to #2 and #3? 5. Suppose you were multiplying x/3 and y/8? 6. How many small rectangles (in all) will there be when you move A to B? 7. Suppose you were multiplying 2/m and 5/n? 8. How many small rectangles will appear in the intersection (the overlap area)? Chuck Friesen, University of Nebraska-Lincoln