How to add vectors geometrically

[b]Students:[/b][br][br]This applet will help you discover how we geometrically add any 2 vectors. This applet also accompanies the [i][color=#0000ff]Adding Vectors: Introduction[/color][/i] packet you received at the beginning of class. [br][br][b]To Use:[/b][br][br]1) Determine the components of vectors [b]u[/b] and [b]v[/b] by using the [b][color=#9900ff]purple[/color][/b] and [b][color=#38761d]green[/color][/b] sliders. [br]2) Slide the black slider (bottom right) to geometrically form vectors [b]u[/b] and [b]v. [br][/b]3) Move the [b][color=#bf9000]YELLOW POINT[/color][/b] (initial point of [b]v[/b]) ON TOP OF the [b][color=#ff7700]ORANGE POINT[/color][/b] (terminal point of [b]u[/b]). [br][br]4) Slide the additional slider that appears once you complete step (3). [br] The vector that appears will be the the [b]RESULTANT VECTOR[/b]. [br] In this case, the [b]RESULTANT VECTOR[/b] is the sum of vectors [b]u[/b] and [b]v[/b]. [br][br]
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Information: How to add vectors geometrically