B2 Chemical reactions

Chemistry investigates how the substances interact with each other.[br]Sometimes two substances react with each other forming a new type of compound.
What do you need?
Water and the same chemicals as in experiment 1:[br]Salt, sugar, citric acid (solid), soda (or backing powder),[br]flour (or starch)[br]
What do you have to do?
Take a little bit of each substance and mix them with one of the other substances, then add a bit of water.[br][br]When mixing the right substances, they will react with each other and form bubbles.
Reaction of the right chemicals.
What chemicals react with each other? Type the right answer into the solution box!
1: Salt[br]2: Sugar[br]3: Citric acid[br]4: Soda (or backing powder)[br]5: Starch (or flour)[br][br][br](Example: If salt visible reacts with sugar, write 12)

Information: B2 Chemical reactions