4.4 -Slope of a line Part I

Slope is calculated as a ratio (fraction) of rise/run. [br]Explore how to find the rise over run by answering the questions below.
1. The rise of a line or line segment is the amount the line goes up (or down) in an interval. Look at the line segment AB above. What is the rise between these two points? How much does the line go up?[br][br]2. How could you use the coordinates of the points to calculate the rise between them? Are you using the x or y coordinates for the rise?[br][br]3. The run of a line or line segment is the amount the line goes right/left over an interval. Look at the line segment AB above. What is the run between these two points? How much does the line go to the right?[br][br]4. How could you use the coordinates of the points to calculate the run between them? Are you using the x or y coordinates for the run?[br][br]5. Slope is calculated as rise/run (rise over run in fraction form, or rise divided by run). Using your answers from number 2 and number 4 find the slope of line segment Ab. [br][math]\frac{Rise}{Run}=\frac{?}{?}=Slope[/math][br][br]This method will work to find the rise and run for any line or line segment.
Practice calculating Rise over run, use the Show slope box to see calculation and to check your answers
1. Calculate the slope of the line using our rise over run formula. Then move the green point up or down on the line. Calculate the slope with this new point. Did the slope change? Why or Why not?[br][br]2. Move the blue points to move the line. Calculate the slop. Did it change? Why or Why not?

Information: 4.4 -Slope of a line Part I