Herbert Altrichter

o. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Herbert Altrichter
[justify][b]Herbert Altrichter[/b] is currently Full Professor of Education and Educational Psychology and Director of Linz School of Education at Johannes Kepler University, Linz, Austria. He is also the programme leader of the University’s MEd in ‘School Management’. His [i]research interests [/i]include educational governance studies (school development and system reform), evaluation, teacher education and qualitative research methodology. A native from Vienna, Austria, he earned his PhD in Education from the University of Vienna.[br]After international experiences in Cambridge, UK and at Deakin University (Australia) he was appointed Associate Professor of Business Education at the University of Innsbruck (1991). From 1994-1999 Herbert Altrichter was Austrian Delegate to the Governing Board of the Centre for Research and Innovation in Education (CERI, OECD, Paris). He was the founding president of the Austrian Educational Research Association (ÖFEB) and is now Treasurer of the European Educational Research Association (EERA) (2013-2021). He founded and edits learned journals [i](journal für schulentwicklung[/i], [i]journal für lehrerinnen- und lehrerbildung, Zeitschrift für Bildungsforschung) [/i]and was trained as organizational consultant. [br][br][u]Publications[/u][i]:[/i] In 2018 his book ‘Teachers Investigate Their Work’ saw its 5[sup]th [/sup]edition in German (Klinkhardt: Bad Heilbrunn) and its 3[sup]rd[/sup] edition in English (Routledge: London); translations in Greek and Chinese are available. [br][br][u]Recent publications include:[/u][br]Altrichter, H. (2020). [b]The Emergence of Evidence-based Governance Models in the State-Based Education Systems of Austria and [/b]Germany. In Julie Allan, Valerie Harwood and Clara Rübner Jørgensen (eds.), [i]World Yearbook in Education 2020: Schooling, Governance[/i][i] and Inequalities [/i](pp. 72-95)[i].[/i] London: Routledge [br][br]Altrichter, H., Galvin, M., McNamara, G., & O’Hara, J. (2019). [b]Addressing the context in cross-national comparative research[/b]. In M. Honerød Hoveid, L. Ciolan,A. Paseka & S. Marques da Silva (eds.), [i]Doing Educational Research. [/i][i]Overcoming Challenges in Practice[/i] (pp. 203-226). London: Sage. [br][br]Altrichter, H. (2019). [b]School autonomy policies and the changing governance of schooling[/b]. In H. Jahnke, C. Kramer, & P. Meusburger (Hrsg.), [i]Geographies of Schooling [/i](S. 55-73)[i]. [/i]Vol. 14 of the series ‘Knowledge and Space’. Cham: Springer.[br][br]Gamsjäger, M., Altrichter, H. & Steiner, R. (2019). [b]Wirkungen und Wirkungswege einer Bildungsstandards-Reform: Die Sichtweise von Lehrpersonen und Schulleitungen in österreichischen Primarschulen[/b]. [i]Zeitschrift für Bildungsforschung,[/i] [url=https://doi.org/10.1007/s35834-019-00239-1]https://doi.org/10.1007/s35834-019-00239-1[br][/url][br]Feldman, A., Altrichter, H., Posch, P. & Somekh, B. (2018). [b][i]Teachers Investigate their Work.[/i] [i]An introduction to action research across the professions[/i][/b]. 3[sup]rd[/sup] edition. London: Routledge. [url=https://www.routledge.com/Teachers-Investigate-Their-Work-An-Introduction-to-Action-Research-across/Feldman-Altrichter-Posch-Somekh/p/book/9781138225763]https://www.routledge.com/Teachers-Investigate-Their-Work-An-Introduction-to-Action-Research-across/Feldman-Altrichter-Posch-Somekh/p/book/9781138225763[/url][br][br]Altrichter, H., Posch, P. & Spann, H. (2018).[i] [b]Lehrerinnen und Lehrer erforschen ihren Unterricht. [/b][/i][b]5. grundlegend überarbeitete Auflage.[/b][i] [/i]Bad Heilbrunn: UTB/Klinkhardt. [url=http://www.klinkhardt.de/verlagsprogramm/4754.html--%3e]http://www.klinkhardt.de/verlagsprogramm/4754.html[/url][br][br][b]CONTACT:[/b][br][url=mailto:herbert.altrichter@jku.at]herbert.altrichter@jku.at[/url][/justify]
Action Research Workshop with Herbert Altrichter (Thursday, 09:00 – 10:30 and 10:45 – 11:30)
[justify][b]Action research [/b]is a research strategy in empirical social sciences which may be characterized the following features (Altrichter & Feindt, 2008; Zeichner & Noffke, 2001): [br](1) [i]Research and development[/i] are not separated into different research phase or projects, but are considered as elements of one process. The development of a social field and of the knowledge about this field are pushed forward in long-term and iterative action-reflection cycles (Altrichter, Posch & Spann, 2018, pp. 13). [br][br](2) [i]Practitioners[/i] are not considered research objects, but actively research their own practice. Outsider (such as university researchers) may collaborate with practitioners as facilitators or co-researchers.[br][br](3) Action researchers usually do not work alone but collaborate in [i]professional communities[/i]. These communities may provide practical support for research (e.g. for research design, data collection and analysis), but also discursive testing of research strategies and interpretations. Situating the work in professional communities, is also meant to be a contribution to the further development of the professional group. Colleagues at schools, parents, pupils or other researchers may be involved in these professional communities. Prerequisites are forms of communication that enable all groups of people to participate equally and reflect any barriers to communication and development.[br][br](4) Since action research seeks to develop and improve social practice, it can[i]not [/i]be [i]value-neutral[/i] in all respects: "Action research starts from a vision of social transformation and aspirations for greater social justice for all" (Somekh, 2006, p. 7).[br][br]The presentation will:[br] - explain action research as a research strategy   [br] - give some information about the origin (Lewin, 1946; Stenhouse, 1975) and the theoretical rationale of action research (e.g. Schön, 1983) [br] - explain research methods and practical steps of doing action research (Feldman et al., 2018).[br][br]If you are interested, there will be some opportunity to[br] - discuss critical questions with respect to methodology and theoretical justification (Altrichter, 1990)[br] - explore potential use of action research for different research questions and[br] - discuss potential relationship of action research and design-based strategies (Altrichter, 2018)[br][br][b]Introductory book[/b][br]into concept and research design of action research is available in the following languages: [br][br]Feldman, A., Altrichter, H., Posch, P. & Somekh, B. (2018). [i]Teachers Investigate their Work.[/i] [i]An introduction to action research across the professions.[/i] 3[sup]rd[/sup] edition. London & New York: Routledge.[br][br]Altrichter, H., Posch, P. & Spann, H. (2018).[i] Lehrerinnen und Lehrer erforschen ihren Unterricht. [/i]5. grundlegend überarbeitete Auflage.Bad Heilbrunn: UTB/Klinkhardt. [br][br]Altrichter, H., Posch, P. & Somekh, B. (2001). OI EKPAIDEUTIKOI EREUNOUN TO ERGO TOUS. MIA EISAGWGH STIS MEQODOUS THS EREUNAS DRASHS. Athen: METAICMIO (Greek translation by Maria Delhcgiannh).[br][br]Altrichter, H., Posch, P. & Somekh, B. (1997). [i]Teachers Investigate Their Work.[/i] Taipei: Yuan-Liou Publishing Co., 277 Seiten (Chinese edition; new translation is in preparation).[br][br][br][b]References[/b][br][br]Altrichter, H. (1990). [i]I[b]st das noch Wissenschaft?[/b][/i][i][b]Darstellung und wissenschafts­theoretische Diskussion einer von Lehrern betriebenen Aktionsfor­schung[/b].[/i] München: Profil.[br][br]Altrichter, H. (2018). [b]Aktionsforschung und Design-Based Development[/b]. In P. Posch, F. Rauch & St. Zehetmeier (Hrsg.), [i]Das Lernen von Lehrerinnen und Lehrern, Organisationen und Systemen [/i](S. 135-148)[i]. [/i]Münster: Waxmann.[br][br]Altrichter, H. & Feindt, A. (2008). [b]Handlungs- und Praxisforschung[/b]. In W. Helsper & J. Böhme (eds.), [i]Handbuch der Schulforschung.[/i] 2. durchgesehene und erweiterte Auflage (S. 449 – 466). Wiesbaden: Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.[br][br]Altrichter, H. & Posch, P. (2010). [b]Reflective development and developmental research: is there a future for action research as a research strategy in German-speaking countries?[/b] [i]Educational Action Research[/i] [i]18,[/i] 1, 57–71[br][br]Lewin, K. (1946). [b]Action research and minority problems[/b]. [i]Journal of Social Issues 11[/i], S. 34-46.[br][br]Somekh, B. (2006). [i][b]Action Research: A Methodology for Change and Development[/b].[/i] Maidenhead: Open University Press.[br][br]Stenhouse, L. (1975[i]). [b]An Introduction to Curriculum Research and Development[/b]. [/i]London: Heinemann.[br][br]Schön, D.A. (1983). [i][b]The Reflective Practitioner[/b].[/i] London: Temple Smith.[br][br]Zeichner, K. & Noffke, S. E. (2001).[b] Practitioner Research[/b]. In V. Richardson (eds.), [i]Handbook of research on teaching[/i] (4th ed.) (S. 298–330). Washington, D.C.: AERA.[/justify]

Information: Herbert Altrichter