Inserting a check box

In [i]GeoGebra [/i]a [i]Check Box[/i] is the graphical representation of a Boolean variable. It can either be [i]true [/i]or [i]false[/i],[i] [/i]which can be set by checking (Boolean variable = [i]true[/i]) or unchecking (Boolean variable = [i]false[/i]) the [i]Check Box[/i].
Insert a check box that allows you to show or hide the answer to the addition problem.
[table][tr][td][size=100]1.[/size][/td][td][size=100][icon][/icon][/size][/td][td][size=100]Activate the [i]Check Box[/i] tool and click in the [img][/img] [i]Graphics View[/i] next to the result of the addition problem to open the [i]Check Box Dialog[/i].[/size][/td][/tr][tr][td][size=100]2.[/size][/td][td][/td][td][size=100]Enter [code]Show result[/code] into the [i]Caption[/i] text field.[br][/size][/td][/tr][tr][td][size=100]3.[/size][/td][td][/td][td][size=100]To insert [i]text5[/i] into the list of objects influenced by the check box, select [i]text5[/i] from the drop down menu below the [i]Caption [/i]text field.[br][b]Hint:[/b] The visibility of [i]text5[/i] is now controlled by the check box.[/size][/td][/tr][tr][td][size=100]4.[/size][/td][td][/td][td][size=100]Click [i]OK[/i] to create the check box.[/size][/td][/tr][tr][td][size=100]5.[/size][/td][td][size=100][icon][/icon][/size][/td][td][size=100]Select the [i]Move[/i] tool and check / uncheck the check box to try out if [i]text5[/i] can be hidden / shown.[/size][/td][/tr][/table]
Try it yourself...
Instructions (continued)
[size=100]Open the [img width=16,height=16][/img] [i]Algebra View [/i]and check out the list of objects on the left side. The list of [i]Boolean Values[/i] only contains one object called [i]f[/i], which is represented graphically as your check box.[br][/size][table][tr][td][size=100]1.[/size][/td][td][size=100][icon][/icon][br][/size][/td][td][size=100]Select [i]text5[/i] from the list of objects on the left side and open the [i]Settings[/i].[br][/size][/td][/tr][tr][td][size=100]2.[/size][/td][td][size=100][icon][/icon][/size][/td][td][size=100]Click on tab [i]Advanced[/i] and look at the text field called [i]Condition to Show Object[/i]. It shows the name of your check box [i]f[/i].[br][b]Hint:[/b] This means that the visibility of [i]text5[/i] depends on the status of the check box.[br][/size][/td][/tr][tr][td][size=100]3.[/size][/td][td][size=100][icon][/icon][/size][/td][td][size=100]Select point [i]R[/i] from the list of objects. Click on tab [i]Advanced[/i]. The text field [i]Condition to Show Object[/i] is empty.[/size][/td][/tr][tr][td][size=100]4.[/size][/td][td][size=100][icon][/icon][/size][/td][td][size=100]Enter f into the text field [i]Condition to Show Object[/i]. The visibility of point [i]R[/i] is now connected to the check box as well.[br][/size][/td][/tr][tr][td][size=100]5.[/size][/td][td][size=100][icon][/icon][/size][/td][td][size=100]Repeat steps 4 and 5 for segment [i]e[/i] which connects the second vector with point [i]R[/i] on the number line.[/size][/td][/tr][/table][size=100][br][b]Hint:[/b] Now the check box controls three objects of your dynamic figure: [br][list][*][i]text5[/i] showing the result of the addition problem[/*][*]point [i]R[/i] showing the result on the number line[/*][*]segment [i]e[/i] connecting the second vector with the result[/*][/list][/size]

Information: Inserting a check box