Copy of Nine Point Circle

This is the [url=]nine point circle[/url]. The nine point circle is a circle which appears in any triangle, made up of midpoints and intersections of perpendicular lines that cross through points.[br][br]Instructions for its creation are [url=]here[/url], and simplified [url=]here[/url].[br][br]The black lines are construction of the points, the orange lines are construction of the circle's centre.[br][br]Drag the dots A, B, C to change the size and shape of the triangle.
[list=1][br][*] Find the relation between [b]the positions of the lines and dots[/b] and [b]the type of triangle[/b] (e.g. right-angled, equilateral, isosceles)[br][*] Construct the nine point triangle using the instructions [url=]here[/url].[br][/list]

Information: Copy of Nine Point Circle