Cubic Spline

In Numerical Analysis, a [i]spline[/i] S(x) of degree m is a function defined on an interval I = [a, b] which[br][list][br][*]coincides with a polynomial of degree m on each subinterval (at each tabular point),[br][*]has continuous derivatives through order m-1[br][/list][br][br]This leaves two free parameters, which are generally used to satisfy endpoint conditions. Here, S(x) matches slope of f(x) at the endpoints: [math]\;\;\;\;\;S'(a) = f'(a), \;\;\; S'(b) = f'(b)[/math][br]We so often choose m=3 and S(x) composed of piecewise cubic polynomials, I will simply write "spline" to mean "cubic spline".[br]I continue to assume the points are evenly spaced.
NOTES:[br][list][br][*]The spline is peicewise continuous: it is less sensitive to small local changes such as discontinuities, escalating derivatives, and data errors. For example, the sample function above contains a term in the form g(x) = k |x-c|. Weierstrass' pretty theorem will fail: Polynomial[Pts] will not converge to f(x) as n increases. (Why?)[br][*]The given conditions on S(x) lead to a tridiagonal matrix whose solution gives the coefficients of each subcurve (in red). For increased numerical stability, I have solved the system in advance, and used the resulting series to give the coefficients more directly.[br][/list][br][br]_____[br][b]Tool: [/b]Spline[{Points},n, y'(a), y'(b) ], for [b]*equally spaced points*[/b]:[url][/url]

Information: Cubic Spline