Mandelbrot set and Julia sets

[b]Graph loading too slow? [url=]Download the original file[/url].[/b] Create the Mandelbrot set, then use it to navigate through creating Julia sets. The point [color=#00ff00]'c'[/color] is the parameter in the function [math]f(z) = z^2 + c[/math]. Click on [color=#1551b5]point A[/color], then use the arrow keys or the mouse to move it around. Make the [color=#00ff00]size[/color] smaller then decrease the [color=#00ff00]width[/color] to make a more detailed picture. You might change the function in E2 and copy it to rows E2 thru E1 and columns E thru U to obtain more interesting Julia sets. To save your work, take a screenshot. Be careful; adjusting the window will erase the screen.

Thank you [url=]Professor Stemkoski [/url] for the [url=]inspiration[/url].