IM1.5.7 Exit Ticket

Solve the following equations using your calculator.[br]1. [math]2x-4=\sqrt{x+5}[/math][br]2. [math]|x|=x^2[/math][br]3. [math]x+2=x^3-2x-4[/math][br]4. [math]|3x-4|=5-|x-3|[/math]
5. The graph below shows Glenn’s distance from home as he rode his bicycle to school, which is just down his street. His next-door neighbor Pablo, who lives 100 m closer to the school, leaves his house at the same time as Glenn. He walks at a constant velocity and they both arrive at school at the same time.[br][br]a. Graph the linear function that represents Pablo's distance from Glenn's home as a function of time.
b. Estimate from the graph when the two boys will pass each other.

Information: IM1.5.7 Exit Ticket