Rational Functions with Specific Features - Practice

Use the input box to create a rational function that matches the given information. [br]Each rational function will have [br][list][*]two "holes" with given x-coordinates[/*][*]two roots through points C and D[/*][*]two vertical asymptotes[/*][*]0 or 1 horizontal asymptotes (Can it have more than 1?)[/*][/list]You can use the Show Example Function to see a rational function that exhibits the given behavior. (Is the only function?)

Taylor Series Practice - Interval of Convergence

Derivative Rules Combined - Practice

Writing Equations of Lines

Partial Fraction Decomposition - Linear Factors

Function Transformations

Absolute Value Equations and Inequalities

Systems with Variables in Denominator

Factoring Practice

Geometry Transformations - Draw the Answer
