Activity/Lesson/Workshop planning template

Please add an image suiting the topic
Short overview
[list][*]Topic:[br][/*][*]Grade, subject:[/*][*]Duration: [/*][*]Material for students: Link to GeoGebra app, other ressources eg. worksheets[/*][*]Additional materials: (add this only if additional material is needed eg. 3D printed materials, laptops, 3D printer...)[/*][/list][br]Describe the content of this lesson in less than 3 sentences. Describe the planned activity and the goal of the lesson.
Prior knowledge of the students
Please describe the knowledge and/or skills students should have before starting the activity/lesson/workshop as bulltepoints.[br][br]Example:[br]The students already know/learned...[br][br][list][*]How to use a GeoGebra application...[/*][*]...[/*][*]...[/*][/list][br]You should also describe, which previous knowledge a teacher should have and describe it briefly.[br]Eg. The teacher has a slicing software of a 3D printer installed on her computer and knows how to slice an object...[br]
Gained competencies and skills by the activity or lesson
Please describe which educational and learning achievements could be achieved. Which competencies could students learn by the activity or lesson?[br][br]Example:[br]The students train/now can...[br][list][*]...[/*][*]...[/*][*]...[/*][/list]
Activity/lesson/workshop sequence
Describe the sequence of steps and contents of the activity/lesson/workshop. Provide a brief overview about all parts and their contents.[br][br]The steps in more detail follow below. They should contain...[br][list][*] average duration of each step.[/*][*]...needed material and how to use it.[/*][*]...add applets and describe their functionality. Please consider a proper sizing.[/*][*]...add link to PDFs for downloading if additional information is needed.[/*][/list]Please use the following structure:
Step 1 (time in minutes)
Short description
Step 2 (time in minutes)
Short description
Follow up information
What should be done after the activites/lesson/workshop?[br]Should additional information be sent?[br]How much will packing and transport take?[br]...
Collecting data
How can you measure whether the activity/lesson/workshop reached their goals?[br][br]Take pictures, if possible make videos, does a questionnaire make sense prior and after the activity/lesson/workshop?[br]
Links to additional materials/literature
Add links to possible follow up activities on GeoGebra or elsewhere here.[br]Also cite used literature which is connected to the activity.

Information: Activity/Lesson/Workshop planning template