Lines , line segment and ray

A line is a just a normal straight line but having no ending and and starting point in it .[br]A line is endless .[br]Eg- sky[br][br]
A ray is just a normal straight line but having only starting point not ending .[br]A ray is Endless from only one direction .[br]Eg- Sun rays
line segment
A line segment is just a normal straight line but having starting and ending point both .[br]A line segment in limited .[br]Eg- desk , black board , book , e.t.c
What is a ray ?
What is a line ?
What is a line segment ?
Examples of line .
Examples of ray

Animated view of right angles.

Animated view of right angles.
Animated view of right angles.

Acute angle

Acute angle

Obtuse angle

Animated view of reflex angles.

Animated view of reflex angles.
Animated view of reflex angles.

Complete angle

Zero degree
