Sampling and Aliasing, Part 4

This worksheet if the last in my sampling series. It builds on the previous workbooks to show what happens with a broadband signal when sampled. This workbook shows the result in the frequency domain of sampling a voice signal either with or without an anti-aliasing filter. The reconstructed signal contains not only the original signal, but also aliases of the original signal both above and below multiples of the sampling frequency. We can use a low pass reconstruction filter to eliminate the aliases as long as we sample fast enough that the nearest alias does not fold into or below the frequency of the original signal. If we band limit the original signal with an anti-aliasing filter, we reduce the bandwith and storage requirements of our system.


David Abrams

Resource Type
aliasing  anti-aliasing  broadband  domain  filter  frequency  limit  nyquist  sampling  telephone  theory voice Show More…
Target Group (Age)
14 – 18
English (United States)
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