Vibrating String

Solution of the wave equation in 1 space dimension (vibrating string). The user can specify the initial condition (initial shape of the string) by entering the function in an input box, or by choosing an example from a drop-down menu. The initial velocity is [math]0[/math], and the string is fixed at the endpoints. The Fourier coefficients of the initial condition are approximated through a discrete Fourier transform (DFT) and the solution is computed by separation of variables. [b]Technical comment: [/b] The DFT and its inverse are computed in JavaScript (directly from the definition: no FFT!). The same result could be achieved (in an even simpler way) by using list commands...but the resulting applet is slow as hell on tablets and phones!


Sisto Baldo

Tipo de recurso
equation  wave 
Grupo destino (edad)
English (United States)
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