Brianchon's Hexagram Theorem

[b]Proposition:[/b] [i]To Demonstrate that the opposite vertex lines of a hexagram circumscribed about a conic section pass through a point.[/i] [b]Converse:[/b] [i]If the opposite vertex lines of hexagram pass through a point, the sides of the hexagram form tangents of a conic section.[/i] Demonstration of the Brianchon point. Proof of this theorem is quite a challenge! Here is a brief outline of Dorrie's proof, relying heavily on projection theorems of Steiner and Desargues. For convenience, I refer to a line joining opposite vertices a [i]Principal Diagonal[/i] [list=1] [*]We first establish [math]\;\;\; [/math][b]a)[/b] Any tangent to a circle cuts any two other tangents in projective ranges of points [math]\;\;\; [/math][b]b) [/b] We can project a circle to any conic section, and so [b]a.[/b] holds for conic sections. Then, in words, [*] [i]we can always construct a projection in which two of the Principal Diagonals are corresponding rays from projective centers, and the the third Diagonal as the axis of perspective upon which the two rays intersect[/i]. That is, the three Principal Diagonals meet at a single point. Q.E.D. [/list] _________________ [b]Brianchon's Hexagram Theorem[/b] This is problem #62 in Heinrich Dorrie's [i]100 Great Problems of Elementary Mathematics[/i] More: [url][/url] Used in: Conic from Five Tangents -- Drawing Solution: [url][/url]


Ryan Hirst

Resource Type
brianchon  conic  exploration  hexagram  projection  sections  steiner 
Target Group (Age)
15 – 18
English (United States)
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